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About Me

Hi! I’m Sol 🙂

a native New Yorker, born and raised     

in Queens was where I spent nearly most of my days

studying, distilling all the knowledge at school

daydreaming ’bout boys, wishing I was as cool

nestled in the libraries, enjoying the classics

had a love for the earth, a love for the family,

a duty-bound ambition weighted on me substantially

with a vision of a day: me traveling like madly.

I laid my foundation

committed to school

I found early success,

joined the corporate pool

I achieved my goals, my then dreams

but found myself lost for the next valuable thing.

I was in the dark, the waters deep

Life keeps moving, what am I to bring?

What am I to feel? What am I sense?

I’m grabbing for something that’s in infinite fragments.

Ms. Dickinson said to go out with a lantern

I grabbed my backpack

to go look for what mattered

I looked within

instead of without

and found much more than I could ever amount.


Along the way, I had my doubts

But once you reach the bottom, ain’t nothing that you can’t surmount.

Progressively, I must announce,

old habits died hard, healed, I directed reroutes

the programming changed

I was in control

the healthy amount, I was on patrol.


I can speak with you now, having found my own light

Like Joan, I became my own shining knight.


The Joy is here, that Euphoria high

I am grateful to be born,

at last, Alive.



Hello & Welcome